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gaslist exclusives 👀

sign up to the gaslist*  + unlock access to our exclusive, secret designs, early product drops + sneaky discounts -
straight to your inbox + guaranteed to stoke your fucking fire 🔥

*all it takes is s̶e̶l̶l̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶s̶o̶u̶l̶ agreeing to receiving our stupid emails ✉️ 🧡

mcfuckin' had it graphic design - gaslit apparel

office drone. fast food worker. [sometimes both.] we see you. 

embrace the rage of the endless grind + subtly tell your boss that you've mcfuckin' had it with the place .

is mercury in retrograde? graphic design - gaslit apparel

are you feeling a little… off? like nothing is going to plan + you have no idea why?

for the astronomically + astrologically confused - blame the cosmos.

i hope this emails finds you in hell graphic design - gaslit apparel

job got you down? done with the never-ending back and forth emails? we see you.

say what you really mean in that passive-aggressive signature - because fuck that email finding karen well. 

mcfuckin' had it graphic design - gaslit apparel

office drone. fast food worker. [sometimes both.] we see you. 

embrace the rage of the endless grind + subtly tell your boss that you've mcfuckin' had it with the place .

is mercury in retrograde? graphic design - gaslit apparel

are you feeling a little… off? like nothing is going to plan + you have no idea why?

for the astronomically + astrologically confused - blame the cosmos.

i hope this emails finds you in hell graphic design - gaslit apparel

job got you down? done with the never-ending back and forth emails? we see you.

say what you really mean in that passive-aggressive signature - because fuck that email finding karen well.